Publications in other languages
Foreign rights to the Sandhamn series have been sold to sixteen languages and the books are available in more than twentyfive countries:
- Austria, Kiepenheuer & Witsch
- Belgien, Albin Michel
- Czech Republic, Vydavatelstvi Vikend
- Denmark, Rosinante & People's Press
- Estonia, Kirjastus Pegasus
- Finland, WSOY
- France, Albin Michel
- Germany, Kiepenheuer & Witsch
- Greece, Patakis
- Hungary, Egmont
- Iceland, Ugla Utgáfá
- Italy, Rizzoli
- Japan, Hayakawa
- Lithuania, Obulyos
- Norway, Cappelen Damm
- Poland, Czarna Owca
- Portugal, Top Books
- Spain, Maeva
- Switzerland, Kiepenheuer & Witsch
- Turkey, Kitap Kurdu/Andante
- The Netherlands, Querido
- USA, AmazonCrossing
Reviews in foreign publications
About "Tonight you're dead" (4th book in the series)
"Exciting crimenovel from a bestseller author!" 4 ****
MetroXpress (Denmark)
"It's a good plot, the story is exciting and there are some very sympathetic main characters."
About "Without guilt" (3rd book in the series)
4,5 ***** (48 Kundenrezensionen)
"The story is frighteningly well told. Viveca Sten got off to a good start and only gets better and better with each novel."
Weekendavisen (Denmark)
"I read the book from beginning to end... I will not hesitate to recommend this crime novel which is both exciting and entertaining."
"Viveca Sten schreibt packend und weckt Neugierde, so dass man ihre Bücher nicht aus der Hand legen mag!"
Viele Geschichten werden hier erzählt, Geschichten von gescheiterten Ehen, von traurigen Kindern, damals und heute. Guter Roman, sehr spannender Krimi.
About "Closed circles" (2nd book in the series)
"Her storytelling and suspense build-up is unparalleled. The resolution arrives slowly and is very surprising[…] Sten is and will remain a world-class author.
...Despite the fact that she reveals the intrigue from the first book Sten has impressed again. In the list of famous Nordic authors she has definitely defended her given spot."
"Viveca Sten skilfully evokes the holiday atmosphere of the archipelago, but as in her previous novel ”I de lugnaste vatten” (Still Waters), there are darker forces at work among the residents of Sandhamn. She writes with a deep personal knowledge of the area and the yachting community, and one of her strengths is her ability to create a range of characters that are both engaging and believable, leaving the reader wanting to know what happens next to Thomas and Nora."
The Swedish Book Review
"Viveca Sten is the new star in the Swedish sky of crime [...] Super entertainment."
ALT for damerne (Denmark)
"Insgesamt gesehen hat mir der erneute Ausflug auf die Urlaubsinsel Sandhamn wieder sehr gut gefallen. .. die Verwicklungen im Privatleben der Hauptprotagonisten konnten mich durchaus fesseln. (...) bewerte ich auch diese Fortsetzung mit vier Sternen und hoffe schon jetzt auf einen weiteren Besuch der Urlaubsinsel."
About "Still waters" (1st book in the series)
"Cant think of a better book to read in summertime."
Sigurður Valgeirsson, critic. RUV Icelandic TV
"An exceptionally well-written debut."
De Telegraaf
It is very rare that characters and stories are so precise and carefully crafted. This debut should ensure the author a place of honor in the hall of fame with her Nordic colleagues. We are eagerly awaiting more, much more.
A wonderfully old-fashioned whodunit!
Veronica Magazine
The resolution is spectacular and unexpected.
The perfect mixture of holiday idyll, murder and family tragedy.
Grazia (Italy)
"Book of the Month" (January 2012)
Danish Radio Crime Club
"Viveca Sten has in a short time created a lot of excitement in the Swedish book market."
Aftenposten (Norway)
"Ein leichter, bis zum Ende sehr spannender Krimi, mit schöner Beschreibung der schwedischen Landschaft und zwei sehr sympathischen Protagonisten, deren Handlungsweisen man nur zu gut verstehen kann. Ein Buch, das einen bei diesem warmen Wetter bestens unterhält und fesselt!"
"Ein spannender, sommerheller Krimi aus dem schwedischen Schärengarten."
Some examples of books available in other countries:
Czech Republic

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